Witchy’s (Highly Questionable) Tarot Reading #1

Or: How latte and pink ribbons can improve your game

Image of Knight of Swords from Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

I am just learning how to do Tarot readings. My friend, Liberty Forrest, does them for lots of people and she is teaching me. Somehow, mine don’t sound like hers. But I am doing my best.

I closed my eyes and did my very best to concentrate on choosing the right card for you. I got the fancy Knight of Swords!

I’m excited because it gave me an important message for you!

First, I studied the card and waited for it to tell me a story, just as Liberty said I should do. I think this is what the knight is saying:

“Let’s see…got my scary pointy hat, my scary pointy sword, my ‘I mean business’ chainmail scarf and matching T-shirt, and — oh, dang! I forgot my lucky pink ribbon for my ponytail!”

Oh, dear!

I thought the message was about making sure you don’t forget something important but in case I was wrong, I checked by choosing another card.

And look at this!!

Image of 3 of Rods from Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

This is the 3 of Wands (or Rods, as they are called in this deck) and here’s what the man is saying:

“This morning started out just like any other day before heading into battle. Did my yoga, exfoliated — you never get a second chance to make a first impression — and on the way, I stopped for a latte, as usual.

But then I simply had to pop in at the camouflage shop ’cause there was that big Spring sale and gadzooks! What a great find! Got these cool sticks and leaves! They’ll never see me coming now!”

Imagine if he went into battle without his camouflage! Or without his yoga, exfoliating, and latte to set him up for a terrific day. That would not be good.

I think this card is telling you to be prepared (although I don’t recommend heading into battle). In any case, being prepared confirms the other card — about not forgetting something important. Boy, I’m getting really good at this!

Oh, wait! Maybe this card is telling you to find a friend and play Hide and Seek!

Hmm. Liberty is doing one of these again: I wonder if she has a headache.

The Most Important Part

  1. Don’t forget your pink ribbon or other essentials.

  2. Use camouflage to play Hide and Seek. They will never find you and you’ll never have to be “It.”

  3. Make sure you do yoga, exfoliate, and have a latte before you go to work. You will have a magical day.

Liberty Forrest